Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Devotional Classics | Richard Foster

This book explores many Christian writers, spanning history to contemporary. Each chapter gives us an excerpt and some thought provoking comments by Foster as well as exercises we can do between studies. It has made us think and rethink, discuss and disagree and overall grown in our spiritual journey. 

I enjoy reading this book every few years to regain perspective and be challenged in what can sometimes be an apathetic attitude to my faith. There is a good bibliography following each person so if one takes your fancy you can then read in full all they have written. 

The book is divided into sections which have a practical theme. Within each selection there are extracts from authors on those themes. The fist section is 'Preparing for the Spiritual Journey' and in it we hear from some like CS Lewis, Dallas Willard, Jonathan Edwards, Bernard of Clairvaux. The second section is 'The Prayer-filled Life' and in it Thomas Merton, Julian of Norwich, Henri Nouwen, Evelyn Underhill....then 'The Virtuous Life', 'The Spirit Filled Life', 'The Compassionate Life', 'The World-Centered Life'....There are many inspiring authors and a great book to read when exploring our faith.

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