Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Behavior of Moths | Poppy Adams

I loved reading this book. It’s a very well told story, innocuous you may think, but it packs a bunch once the truth is revealed…Kind of creepy without being frightening. It has a Gothic house, family tensions and a narrator who you realise eventually, is unreliable. Vivien and Ginny are two sisters reunited after decades apart. They both have secrets that need revealing. Ginny tells most of the story. She’s a moth expert who has lived all her life in the old family mansion. She basically hides away in the attic where she plies her moth trade.

Vivien bursts onto the scene. She hasn’t been back to the house in fifty years and wants to spent the rest of her life with her sister. There are clashes and glimpses of a sinister childhood. The atmosphere tenses and things begin to unravel as we try and put the puzzle together. Ginny kept secret their mother’s alcoholism and violence. Vivien secretly believes she knows the real manner of her mother’s death…

As the sisters tussle with the unraveling of their family’s story we are drawn in and at the climactic point in the story we begin to question the veracity of the narrator we’ve come to believe. What a great read!
The Behaviour of Moths
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