Thursday, December 23, 2010

Prayer | Richard Foster

This is my favourite book on a favourite topic: prayer. Foster’s main aim in this instructional book is not a how-to so much as go-and! He wants us to experience a deeper connection with God, to spend time with Him and find our way in the world through an intimate and personal connection with God, which can only be achieved through prayer.

In these 21 chapters Foster shows us 21 different ways of conversing with God.

 It is incredible to see and learn of these ways which like roads, can lead to a single destination but through varying landscapes. I read this book every couple of years, for the last ten years or so and have given it away to many. People of all denominations and creeds can benefit from reading this book and will group in their spiritual life regardless of where they are at in their Spiritual journey.

Foster is the author of many books and I regard him highly and his works inspirational.

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