Monday, March 14, 2016

Did you Ever Have a Family | Bill Clegg

I enjoyed the structure of this novel. A central event is seen, chapter by chapter, by various key players. As they describe their experiences, the truth is revealed.

The stage is set for a beautiful garden wedding for June's daughter. But in the night, a fire engulfs the home, killing June's daughter, fiance, ex-husband and boyfriend. The officials clean up the site immediately, taking no care to find the source of the fire. Everyone thinks they know who set it and why.

June needs to redefine her life, so goes off and lives in a quiet motel by the Pacific Ocean. And it is this location which connects many of the characters in the town. The caterer who never got paid, the local kid who helped with yard work, the mother of June's boyfriend... They all get to tell their side of the story.

Intricate web of strands ties this circular tale into a beautiful story. well worth reading.

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