Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Supermarket Companion | Wendyl Nissen

Here is a MUST read for all of us who  frequent supermarkets. Even if you grow your own vegetables, have chickens, buy organic meat from the butcher...we all eventually have to go to the supermarket. This handy companion is a guide to what is in the stuff Supermarkets put on their shelves.
Each chapter deals with a food variety ie: snacks, ready made food, bread, drinks etc and gives you tips on how to choose the healthiest options.
At the back of the book there are charts and quick guides to additives, flavorings and preservatives best avoided.
I will try and copy them out and have the lists in my hand bag for when I am in the supermarket and I want to check the ingredients listed.

There are handy recipes in each chapter which are healthy alternatives to some of the stuff we buy.

Well worth buying, reading and having as a reference guide to check food labels.  You may even feel healthier!

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